Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I just learned that James Smith will be speaking in the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2011! *sulk* Some of my friends would know that I am a great fan of Smith's works. His Letters to a Young Calvinist needs to be read by those who regard themselves as "Calvinists". His Who's Afraid of Postmodernism may be one of the best cure for postmodernism-phobia. I have recommended his Desiring the Kingdom to my friends who are doing Christian Education this semester. And I've been reading his The Devil Reads Derrida as a way to multiply my time whenever I'm doing my "business" in the t*il*t. *wink*

I'm enjoying a daydream about being in snowy Grand Rapids, attending the wonderful worship services in the symposium, attending the plenaries and workshops by Jamie Smith and meeting him in person. Now, I better STOP daydreaming and get back to my thesis!!!

A photo of international participants taken when I, sis, Lu, and Dr.T attended the Symposium in 2008. (I had a memorable experience of being detained... Missed our flight... And had to stay in a SUPER expensive hotel...)


SATheologies said...

Hahahaha... May be we can propose to TTC to invite James Smith to come over for Trinity conference! You can talk to your supervisor about this :D

Andreas Pilipus said...

I think I will only dare to suggest to him once I submit my thesis and am declared "pass". :D

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