I just learned that James Smith will be speaking in the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2011! *sulk* Some of my friends would know that I am a great fan of Smith's works. His Letters to a Young Calvinist needs to be read by those who regard themselves as "Calvinists". His Who's Afraid of Postmodernism may be one of the best cure for postmodernism-phobia. I have recommended his Desiring the Kingdom to my friends who are doing Christian Education this semester. And I've been reading his The Devil Reads Derrida as a way to multiply my time whenever I'm doing my "business" in the t*il*t. *wink*
I'm enjoying a daydream about being in snowy Grand Rapids, attending the wonderful worship services in the symposium, attending the plenaries and workshops by Jamie Smith and meeting him in person. Now, I better STOP daydreaming and get back to my thesis!!!
A photo of international participants taken when I, sis, Lu, and Dr.T attended the Symposium in 2008. (I had a memorable experience of being detained... Missed our flight... And had to stay in a SUPER expensive hotel...)
Hahahaha... May be we can propose to TTC to invite James Smith to come over for Trinity conference! You can talk to your supervisor about this :D
I think I will only dare to suggest to him once I submit my thesis and am declared "pass". :D
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