Friday, March 11, 2011

An Ash Friday

Today, two days after the Ash Wednesday of the year 2011, Japan is struck by a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake which has unleashed tsunami. This video is a witness to the massive horrendous disaster:

In times like these no one is not compelled to realize that life is more important than food and the body is more important than clothing (cf. Mt 6:25). I really hate to say this. But it seems that we humans somehow need to see or experience some kind of devastating disasters first in order for us to really internalize this truth. Life is far more valuable than food. Body is far more valuable than clothing. Today's catastrophe also reminds us that we are dust and to dust we shall return (cf. Gen 3:19). We shall then call today an Ash Friday. A Friday to mourn together with the people of Japan.

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