Friday, February 11, 2011

Wrightian Smith and Smithian Wright?

It is intriguing that James Smith and N.T. Wright seem to end up in the same place although they arrive there from quite different trajectories. Smith has been emphasizing the importance of practice as a "location" of a religion (where and how religion is to be found and recognized) and how practice is utmost important in shaping the religious identity of the members. This emphasis stems from his theological anthropology, following Augustine's footsteps, that human beings are NOT primarily thinking beings. We are defined primarily by what we love instead. "Human beings are lovers," Smith argues. And love takes practice. In a similar vein, Wright argues, "Love is not our duty. It is our destiny." Yet this destiny is not something which comes automatically. It takes hard work. In other words, love takes practice. He is, of course, speaking out of the framework of "grace alone" and "faith alone." So, you can heave a sigh of relief. Wright is NOT a Pelagian!
Check out these lectures by Smith and Wright. I bet you will not disagree with me that, to some extent, Smith is a Wrightian and Wright is a Smithian.

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